Platoon Demo

Platoon Demo 1.02

Platoon Demo - A strategy game that presents the Vietnam war and allows you to lead a team of American commandos through a variety of missions

The war in Vietnam may not receive as much attention as the second World War does, but it was certainly every bit as violent and destructive. Moreover, the video games industry took a stab at it a few times over the years and there have been many worthy titles to depict the intense jungle skirmishes. However, there haven't been any strategy games to feature it, which is why the title at hand should worth a shot, especially of you are a fan of computer simulated battles. Platoon is a top-down strategy game that sports the title of being the first modern RTS video game to feature the Vietnam war, which is not exactly a praise-worthy feat, but novelty always has a way of getting to you. Hence, although the mechanics and the gameplay elements are not very original by themselves, the fact that they depict this actual conflict is interesting and you can certainly get into the atmosphere pretty quickly. To keep you invested in the action, the game even features a story and a few main characters to tie the events with each other, starting with the general whose role you play. In order to prove yourself and make your country proud by defeating the enemy, you must coordinate the troops under your control to the best of your ability and accomplish the tasks you are given from up top, whether it's to eliminate a specific objective, or just cross an area without getting killed.


To conclude Platoon Demo works on Windows operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Demo license. The download file is only 101 MB  in size.
Platoon Demo was filed under the Demo category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 180 - Score - 5/5

Category: Demo 
Publisher: Monte Cristo
Last Updated: 01/28/2019
Requirements: Not specified
License: Demo
Operating system: Windows
Hits: 692
File size: 101 MB 
Price: Not specified

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