Keep on Truckin' Demo

Keep on Truckin' Demo

Keep on Truckin' Demo - Drive a truck through the desert as fast as you can, with no one to bother you and no corners to negotiate

Being a truck driver may sound exciting at first, considering the fact that you get to drive a huge machine all around the country, but the job gets rather boring after a while. In essence, having to pay attention to the road a few hours every day is not as fun as it seems, especially after fatigue kicks in and you have to work extra hard just to navigate the traffic. Keep on Truckin' works on a very simple principle and it aims to provide you with a chance to relax when you have nothing better to do, although this might not help as much either. In essence, all you have to do is to keep driving in a straight line through the desert, while trying not to touch the sand, otherwise you slow down to a crawl and won’t be able to continue. The game is basically a remake of the old classic Desert Bus, only it features some kind of truck instead. Since all you see is a steering wheel and some very dull-looking desert all around you, it may as well be a bus or anything else for that matter. Keeping the pedal to the medal is your only solution, although you reach the maximum speed relatively quickly anyway.


To conclude Keep on Truckin' Demo works on Windows operating system and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Demo license. The download file is only 871 KB  in size.
Keep on Truckin' Demo was filed under the Demo category and was reviewed in and receive 5/5 Score.
Keep on Truckin' Demo has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Keep on Truckin' Demo when updated to assure that it remains clean.

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 194 - Score - 5/5

Category: Demo 
Publisher: J. Kyle Pittman
Last Updated: 01/22/2019
Requirements: Not specified
License: Demo
Operating system: Windows
Hits: 622
File size: 871 KB 
Price: Not specified

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